Saturday, January 30, 2021

Machine Learning - Notation and Definitions - Part 2

Notation and Definitions

1) Capital Sigma Notation: 

The summation over a collection X = {𝒙1, 𝒙2,...,𝒙n-1, 𝒙n} or over the attributes of a vector x = [𝒙(1), 𝒙(2),...,𝒙(m-1), 𝒙(m) ] is denoted like this:

2) Capital Pi Notation:

It denotes a product of elements in a collection or attributes of a vector:

3) Cardinality of Set:

The cardinality of a set is a measure of a set's size, meaning the number of elements in the set. It is denoted as |A|.

For instance, the set A = { 1 , 2 , 4 } then |A| = 3 since there are only three elements in set A such as 1,2 and 4.

Referenced The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book - Andriy Burkov

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